[HOWTO] Exclude content from GitHub Copilot

GitHub announced the re-deployment of content exclusions, allowing repo administrators and organization owners to manage content exclusion settings for GitHub Copilot. It's in beta for Copilot Business subscribers and supported in various IDEs. Exclusions can be set for specific files, files in any Git-based repo, or a whole repo.

[HOWTO] Suggest changes directly in Azure DevOps pull requests

Azure DevOps allows proposing changes directly in pull requests, simplifying the process of suggesting small alterations like translations or formatting. Users can mark the part needing a change, click the Comment icon, select the Insert a suggestion icon, and edit the content. The pull request author can then accept and apply the suggested change directly in Azure DevOps.

[NoBrainer] Solve AuthorizationPermissionMismatch error on terraform init

The error "Failed to get existing workspaces: containers.Client#ListBlobs: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=403" in Terraform with an Azure backend indicates a permission issue. To resolve this, assign the Storage Blob Data Contributor or Owner role to the user or service principal. After assignment, use 'az logout' and 'az login -t [tenant id]' commands to refresh the token.

[NoBrainer] Import existing Microsoft Entra ID security groups into terraform state

In a project involving infrastructure as code (IaC) with terraform, Microsoft Entra ID security groups were manually created in the Azure portal. To avoid recreation, the import feature in terraform was used to bring existing groups into terraform state. This involved obtaining object IDs and descriptions, adding the groups as resources in terraform code, and importing them into terraform state.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment with JetBrains Space

The author was tasked with setting up a CI/CD process for a Blazor application using JetBrains Space. They had experience with other tools like Azure DevOps and GitHub Actions but found implementing pipelines in Space challenging. They struggled with creating the necessary automation scripts and host parameters. Despite good documentation, they found the CI/CD features lacking in predefined steps and tasks for standard cases, leading to unnecessary effort. They were also concerned about the exposure of project-wide secrets as plain text in runtime parameters.

[FollowUp] Using Testcontainers in integration tests for ASP.NET Core Web API

The blog post discusses transitioning from SQLite to Testcontainers for .NET to run integration tests for ASP.NET Core applications. The author encountered limitations with SQLite when running complex Linq queries. While alternatives like Mocking, EF Core In-Memory Database Provider, and LocalDB were considered, these were found to be wanting. Instead, Testcontainers was chosen for its simple setup, good documentation, and excellent integration with MSSQL servers. This approach does necessitate Docker being installed and operational on the local development environment.

[HOWTO] Automate Terraform execution in Azure DevOps YAML pipeline

The blog post explains the preferred setup for infrastructure deployments using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform and Azure DevOps YAML pipelines. The author discusses the organization of service connections and security settings, and provides an in-depth look at the pipeline structure and tasks within each stage. The text also mentions an important update regarding Azure Pipelines Terraform tasks and offers a practical approach on pipeline re-runs after local fixes.

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